ayam oOo ayam


                  kokoko(bunyi ayam)cbe try wat...

pagi tadi ak smbelih ko!

today was happy and excited because i sembelih ayam !so syok .my chicken i think u can believe it smell so nice.i don't know why ?i also weird !eemm lantak pi la.muala2 ak ingt xde chance nk wat !ye ar malu klo salah habis laki gelak !tgok jer kwn2 kelas ak wat.then HADIFAH and AINI ajk ak nk try ker x ?so g kat tmpt smbelih and HADIFAH try la.peh wa tabik sama lu.dy x tkot lgsg.AINI pon sme pgang ayam 2 mcm pgang adik dy jer.then aku pon try la.(rugi spe x try!)...so with ustaz.basha (sejuk mata mndg bagi ak),he told what i must do ! we must pndg kiblat , the knife must sharp and cut the urat !DONE !
hahah.actually it not easy like i'm think.u must make sure u cut the urat.
kalo x jdi cam kwn ak:ad yg trpotg trus kepala ,ad yg salah potg. and mcm2 la.
well,i very good student.hahaha.my chicken excepted.WHOA....

*ada satu hal gak NAZIRAH leh lak sakit bhagian perut(sakit perut la).ish 3!mcm org bru brsalin.hihihi
*FARIESHA bju dy hbis trpecik darah.so busuk.dh bsuh2 pon xhilg...
*then look la dowg msak ayam and cabut2 bulu ayam(huh cam cabut bulu hidung jer),kluarkn usus dy yg cam leh wat tali skipping !and last cut the chicken be a small pieces !

menu for the chicken
ayam goreng
sup ayam

p/s:caye ark ak x makan lgsg ayam2 2!dowg pon kte xsedap.hahaha.:)

xlpey gak snap snap gambar.ye ar ak an owg pnting..kihkih


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